
Posted in: Uncategorized- Aug 22, 2011 Comments Off on Testimonials

Comments from a few of our valued clients: “Hi Guys! Thank you for taking such good care of our beloveds!…”  -Coleen & Lesley (Laughlin Road Ranch) “…I belive my horse is now on her way to wellness!” -Lisa “…Jen had her lesson, Stan is like a different horse.” – Betsy

Who is All Star Equine, LLC?

Posted in: Uncategorized- Jul 10, 2011 Comments Off on Who is All Star Equine, LLC?

Mark DePaolo, DVM practiced traditional veterinary medicine, then chose to advance his education to specialize in complimentary therapies focusing on chiropractic, acupuncture and nutrition.  Dr. DePaolo recognized the need to combine both Western and Eastern approaches to medicine in order to create his own holistic practice, All Star Equine.